Base Components


In object-oriented programming, the open–closed principle states software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification. Such an entity can allow its behaviour to be extended without modifying its source code.

The base components are dedicated to performing one specific task and don’t know anything about the context. They save the metadata and implements only one method. This approach ensures that they are flexible and can easily adapt. All components inherit from the abstract base class BaseComponent since they share the same properties (DRY). Moreover, the inherited components are abstract as well (Open-Closed) and can be customized.




Don’t repeat yourself (DRY, or sometimes do not repeat yourself) is a principle of software development aimed at reducing repetition of software patterns, replacing it with abstractions or using data normalization to avoid redundancy.

class autom8qc.core.components.BaseComponent

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract base class that defines the attributes for the base components. Each component has to provide its information (Name, Description, Supported parameters). The class provides the method check_metadata to check if the instance’s metadata is valid. Since all base components share the same attributes (NAME, DESCRIPTION, parameters), they have to inherit from this class. So you don’t have to implement the methods to check the metadata several times (DRY).

  • NAME (str) – Name of the component

  • DESCRIPTION (str) – Description of the component

  • parameters (ParameterList) – Supported parameters (default: None)


Checks if the defined metadata (NAME, DESCRIPTION, parameters) of the component is valid. If anything isn’t correctly defined, the method will raise an error for it.


If you inherit from this class, make sure that call this method at the end of the constructor to validate the metadata of the instance.



Return type



class autom8qc.qaqc.base.QAQCTest

Bases: autom8qc.core.components.BaseComponent

This class defines the interface for each QA/QC test. Each test has to provide its information (NAME, DESCRIPTION, CATEGORY, parameters and SUPPORTED_STRUCTURES). Moreover, each test has to implement the abstract method perform which expects an instance of the class BaseStructure and returns a probability (between 0 and 1) for each data point.

See also


If you inherit from this class, make sure that you call the super constructor and implement the abstract method perform.

  • NAME (str) – Name of the test

  • DESCRIPTION (str) – Description of the test

  • CATEGORY (str) – Category of the test

  • SUPPORTED_STRUCTURES (tuple or BaseStructure) – Supported data structures (e.g., Series)

  • parameters (ParameterList) – Supported parameters (default: None)

autom8qc.qaqc.base.QAQCTest.perform(self, data)

Performs the test and returns the probabilities.


Make sure that you don’t override data points of the data. For effiency reasons the data won’t be copied.


Use the method get_data to access the data. The method checks if the given data is supported by the test. Moreover, it ensures that your test supports instances of the class BaseStructure and the dtype of the BaseStructure. For example, if your test supports Series, you can pass the types pd.Series and autom8qc.core.structures.Series.


NotImplementedError – This is an abstract method


data (BaseStructure, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame) – Data points


Probabilities (1=Valid, 0=Invalid)

Return type


Example: autom8qc.qaqc.flatline.FlatLineTest


class autom8qc.mappers.base.BaseMapper

Bases: autom8qc.core.components.BaseComponent

Abstract base class that defines the interface for mappers. Each mapper has to provide its information (NAME, DESCRIPTION) and has to implement the abstract method map. The method maps the given values to another domain (e.g., probabilities to validities)


If you inherit from this class, make sure that you call the super constructor and implement the abstract method map.

See also

  • autom8qc.core.components.BaseComponent

  • autom8qc.core.parameters.ParameterList

  • NAME (str) – Name of the test

  • DESCRIPTION (str) – Description of the test

  • parameters (ParameterList) – Supported parameters (default: None), values)

Maps the given values to other values (e.g. probabilities to flags).


Make sure that you don’t override data points of the data. For effiency reasons the data won’t be copied.


NotImplementedError – This is an abstract method


values (pd.Series) – Values that should be mapped (e.g. probabilities)


Mapped values

Return type


Example: autom8qc.mappers.validities.StandardValidityMapper


class autom8qc.functions.base.BaseFunction

Bases: autom8qc.core.components.BaseComponent

Abstract base class that defines the interface for functions. Each function has to provide its information (NAME, DESCRIPTION) and has to implement the abstract method apply. Functions can be used for preprocessing and postprocessing.

See also

  • autom8qc.core.components.BaseComponent

  • autom8qc.core.parameters.ParameterList


If you inherit from this class, make sure that you call the super constructor and implement the abstract method apply.

  • NAME (str) – Name of the function

  • DESCRIPTION (str) – Description of the function

  • parameters (ParameterList) – Supported parameters (default: None)

autom8qc.functions.base.BaseFunction.apply(self, data)

Applies the function to the given data.


Make sure that you don’t override data points of the data. For effiency reasons the data won’t be copied.


NotImplementedError – This is an abstract method


data (BaseStructure) – Series, DataFrame, or mapped values


Results of the function

Return type


Example: autom8qc.functions.interpolation.FillValidityGapsFunction


class autom8qc.rules.base.BaseRule

Bases: autom8qc.core.components.BaseComponent

Abstract base class that defines the interface for rules. Each rule must provide its information (NAME, DESCRIPTION) and must implement the abstract method apply. Rules can be used to define rules for the test that will be applied on the results. An example is that all data points are set to invalid if over 20% of the data points are invalid.

See also

  • autom8qc.core.components.BaseComponent

  • autom8qc.core.parameters.ParameterList


If you inherit from this class, make sure that you call the super constructor and implement the abstract method apply.

  • NAME (string) – Name of the function

  • DESCRIPTION (string) – Description of the function

  • parameters (ParameterList) – Supported parameters (default: None)

autom8qc.rules.base.BaseRule.apply(self, data)

Applies the rule to the given data.


Make sure that you don’t override data points of the data. For effiency reasons the data won’t be copied.


NotImplementedError – This is an abstract method


data (BaseStructure) – Series, DataFrame, or mapped values


Results of the function

Return type


Example: autom8qc.rules.frequency.LowerFrequencyRule


class autom8qc.measures.base.BaseMeasure

Bases: autom8qc.core.components.BaseComponent

Abstract base class that defines the interface for measures. Each measure has to provide its information (NAME, DESCRIPTION) and has to implement the abstract method apply. If you use a group or a sequence with several tests, each test will return its probabilities or mapped values. To combine them to a total result, you have to use a measure. An example of a measure is the weighted mean of the probabilities.

See also


If you inherit from this class, make sure that you call the super constructor and implement the abstract method apply.

  • NAME (str) – Name of the test

  • DESCRIPTION (str) – Description of the test

  • parameters (ParameterList) – Supported parameters (default: None)

autom8qc.measures.base.BaseMeasure.apply(self, component)

Apply the measure to the given component and returns the results.


Make sure that you don’t override data points of the data. For effiency reasons the data won’t be copied.


InvalidType – If component has the wrong type


component (TestGroup or TestSequence) – Test group or test sequence



Return type


Example: autom8qc.measures.probabilities.MeanMeasure